Sending a Severe Weather Report with Winlink

Start Winlink

Winlink Main Window


Open a new message by either of the two methods below:


The new message window will open on your screen. Select a new template as below:


Open "Standard Templates" and scroll down to "Weather Forms"


In that group, select "Severe WX Report" and double-click


This will open a new window in your browser. JTDX to communicate with JTAlert


Fill in the appropriate info

Lat/Lon should populate from your entered grid, but if you need to determine your Lat/Lon coordinates, use this link:
Grid Coordinates
(Either Zip code or your grid will work)

When you click on "submit" a new small window will open telling you to click

After doing this, you will see your message window with the information from the form.
Enter the callsigns that you are sending to, separated by a semi-colon, and then click to post the message as below:

Good job! When you connect, the message will be sent.